ASTM C67 – Standard Test Methods for Sampling and Testing Brick and Structural Clay Tile
These test methods cover procedures for the sampling and testing of brick and structural clay tile. The tests include modulus of rupture, compressive strength, absorption, saturation coefficient, effect of freezing and thawing, efflorescence, initial rate or absorption, and determination of weight, size, warpage, length change, and void areas. For purposes of these tests, full-size bricks, tiles, or solid masonry units shall be used as test specimens. They shall be representative of the lot of units from which they are to be selected in respect of the range of colors, textures, and sizes and shall be free of or brushed to remove dirt, mud, mortar, or other foreign materials unassociated with the manufacturing process.
1.1 These test methods cover procedures for the sampling and testing of brick and structural clay tile. Although not necessarily applicable to all types of units, tests include modulus of rupture, compressive strength, absorption, saturation coefficient, effect of freezing and thawing, efflorescence, initial rate of absorption and determination of weight, size, warpage, length change, and void area. (Additional methods of test pertinent to ceramic glazes include imperviousness, chemical resistance, opacity, and resistance to crazing.
1.2 The text of this standard references notes and footnotes which provide explanatory material. These notes and footnotes (excluding those in tables and figures) shall not be considered as requirements of the standard.
NOTE 1: The testing laboratory performing this test method should be evaluated in accordance with Practice C1093.
1.3 The values stated in either SI units or inch-pound units are to be regarded separately as standard. The values stated in each system are not necessarily exact equivalents; therefore, to ensure conformance with the standard, each system shall be used independently of the other, and values from the two systems shall not be combined.
1.4 These test methods include the following sections:
Section Heading | Section |
Scope | 1 |
Referenced Documents | 2 |
Terminology | 3 |
Sampling | 4 |
Specimen Preparation | 5 |
Modulus of Rupture (Flexure Test) | 6 |
Compressive Strength | 7 |
Absorption | 8 |
Freezing and Thawing | 9 |
Initial Rate of Absorption (Suction) (Laboratory Test) | 10 |
Efflorescence | 11 |
Weight Per Unit Area | 12 |
Measurement of Size | 13 |
Measurement of Warpage | 14 |
Measurement of Length Change | 15 |
Initial Rate of Absorption (Suction) (Field Test) | 16 |
Measurement of Void Area in Cored Units | 17 |
Measurement of Void Area in Deep Frogged Units | 18 |
Measurement of Out of Square | 19 |
Measurement of Shell and Web Thickness | 20 |
Breaking Load | 21 |
Imperviousness Test (of Ceramin Glazes) | 22 |
Chemical Resistance Test (of Ceramic Glazes) | 23 |
Autoclaved Crazing Test (of Ceramic Glazes) | 24 |
Opacity Test (of Ceramic Glazes) | 25 |
Precision and Bias | 26 |
Keywords | 27 |
Safety Precautions for Autoclave Equipment and Operation | Appendix X1 |