ASTM C704 – Standard Test Method for Abrasion Resistance of Refractory Materials at Room Temperature
Significance and Use
4.1 This test method measures the relative abrasion resistance of various refractory samples under standard conditions at room temperature.
4.2 The abrasion resistance of a refractory material provides an indication of its suitability for service in abrasive environments.
4.3 The results obtained by this test method could be different than those obtained in service because of the different conditions encountered.
1.1 This test method covers the determination of relative abrasion resistance of refractory brick at room temperature. This test method can also be applied to castable refractories (see Metric Dimensions, Practice C861 and Practice C865) and plastic refractories (see Practice C1054).
1.2 Units—When values are stated in both SI and inch-pound units, the units are to be regarded separately as standard. The values stated in each system may not be exact equivalents; therefore, use each system independently of the other. Combining values from the two systems may result in nonconformance with the standard. Several values are stated only in SI units as a matter of convention and to permit comparison of results. Included are the abrading media weight (grams), specimen weight (grams), specimen weight loss due to abrasion (grams), and the resultant volume loss (cubic centimeters).