ASTM D1050 – Standard Specification for Rubber Insulating Line Hose
This specification covers acceptance testing of rubber insulating line hose for use as a portable protective device for protection of workers from accidental contact with live electrical conductors. Two types of line hose are provided and are designated as Type I, non-resistant to ozone, and Type II and Type III, resistant to ozone. Five classes of line hose, differing in electrical characteristics, are provided and are designated as Class 0, Class 1, Class 2, Class 3, and Class 4. Four styles of line hose, differing in design characteristics, are provided and are designated as Style A, Style B, Style C, and Style D. The line hose shall be constructed in four styles: straight style, connector-end style, extended-lip style, and connectorend extended-lip style. The line hose shall be formed with an interlocking lip of sufficient length to prevent the device from being dislodged accidentally from the conductor it covers. The interlocking lip shall be closely adjacent to the inside surface contour of the outer wall. The depth of adapter end of connector-end style line hose shall be not less than a certain value, and its inside diameter shall be such that it will snugly grip the end of the line hose of the same size which it joins. Each line hose shall conform to the physical requirements such as determined tensile strength, elongation, tension set, tear resistance and moisture absorption.
1.1 This specification covers acceptance testing of rubber insulating line hose for use as a portable protective device for protection of workers from accidental contact with live electrical conductors.
1.2 Two types of line hose are provided and are designated as Type I, non-resistant to ozone, and Type II and Type III, resistant to ozone.
1.3 Five classes of line hose, differing in electrical characteristics, are provided and are designated as Class 0, Class 1, Class 2, Class 3, and Class 4.
1.4 Four styles of line hose, differing in design characteristics, are provided and are designated as Style A, Style B, Style C, and Style D.