ASTM D1729 – Standard Practice for Visual Appraisal of Colors and Color Differences of Diffusely-Illuminated Opaque Materials
Significance and Use
4.1 Although color measuring instruments are widely used, color matches are usually checked visually. The standardization of visual examination has greatly improved the uniformity of products and the accuracy of color matches.
4.2 The use of this practice is essential for critical color matching but is also recommended for any color appraisal, such as the choice or approval of a color. This practice is widely used in industry to choose colors, exhibit colors reproducibility, inspect incoming materials, monitor color producing processes, and inspect finished goods. Visual appraisal is particularly important when the product inspected is not of the same material as the color standard to which it is compared.
4.2.1 Observers—This practice is based on the fundamental assumption that the observer has superior color vision and is trained and experienced in observing and classifying color differences. The significance of the results depends on that being so. The selection, evaluation, and training of observers are treated in Guide E1499.
4.2.2 Illumination—Simulated average daylight, D65, is recommended by the International Commission on Illumination (CIE). D50 is recommended for applications involving color photography or color printing as specified in ISO 3364-2009.
1.1 This practice specifies the equipment and procedures for visual appraisal of the colors and color differences of opaque materials that are diffusely illuminated. These specifications are of critical importance in color matching. This practice requires judgments by observers with a minimum of normal color vision and preferably superior as rated with the FM-100 Hue Test as specified in Guide E1499.
1.2 Critical visual appraisal of colors and color differences of materials such as metallic and pearlescent paints requires illumination that is nearly a geometric simulation of direct sunlight, because such directional illumination permits observation of the sparkle (glitter) and goniochromatism that characterize such materials. Such viewing conditions are beyond the scope of this practice.
1.3 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as the standard. The values given in parentheses are for information only.