ASTM D3773 – Standard Test Methods for Length of Woven Fabric
These test methods cover four options for measuring fabric length and are applicable to full rolls or bolts of materials. There are four approved options of measuring length as follows: option A – hand, option B – drum, option C – clock, and option D – folding. The length is measured from one end of the fabric to the other, using a suitable graduated device, or apparatus as described in the option used. The significance, use, and apparatus of the four options are presented in details.
1.1 These test methods cover four options for measuring fabric length and are applicable to full rolls or bolts of materials.
1.2 There are four approved options of measuring length as follows:
1.2.1 Option A—Hand (Section 6).
1.2.2 Option B—Drum (Section 7).
1.2.3 Option C—Clock (Section 8).
1.2.4 Option D—Folding (Section 9).
1.3 The values stated in either SI units or in U.S. customary units shall be regarded separately as standard. The values stated in each system may not be exact equivalents; therefore, each system must be used independently of the other, without combining values in any way.